Occupational safety infrastructure of a company is the summary of the occupational safety story of that company from past to present, This summary emerges as the occupational safety culture of that company. So, what are the positive or negative factors affecting the occupational safety culture, why is the occupational safety culture important, how can the occupational safety culture be developed? First of all, it should be known that occupational safety culture is a process and a magician will not emerge at the highest level by saying "abra cadabra" from his wand. (Although this issue is known by the occupational safety professionals in the business, it is always expected by the employer to be like this.) In the formation phase of occupational safety culture; 1- Management's Support and Determination; It is the first principle that the top management of the enterprise wants a production that performs standard work in accordance with occupational safety, the top management should demand this with a high determination, it is the top management that will provide the necessary human, time and financial opportunities. 2- Policy and Main Principles; An occupational safety policy must be established, and this policy must coincide with the strategic goals of the company. 3- Organization and Responsibilities; There must be a written senior management approved organizational chart that specifies the personnel to be involved in occupational safety and the duties of these personnel. 4- General Principles and Basic Rules Procedures that coincide with company strategies should be established in line with occupational safety regulations. It should be ensured that the annual legal requirements can be controlled, that the business plans are prepared, that the company complies with the legal regulations, that the implementation of the determined procedures in the field is followed, that it is monitored and that it is measured. 5- Risk Assessment and Risk Management; It is essential to conduct risk analyzes with a team consisting of relevant department responsibles, where all activities within the enterprise are reviewed. 6- Planning and Implementation; Defining the actions for the non-conformities coming from the audits and legal compliances, closing the actions within the deadlines by the relevant responsible persons, sending the necessary information mails etc. for the actions that are not closed. It is necessary to ensure that the actions are always live by using communication systems. 7- Monitoring, Recording, Performance Evaluation; Determining the targets (KPI) for occupational safety in accordance with the company strategy, monthly etc. of these targets. It should be evaluated by the top management and actions should be taken in time intervals. 8- Audit, Review of Senior Management and Determination of New Goals; If the top management needs to evaluate all activities at certain intervals, it should request internal audits and ensure that the business is subject to external audits with external support in order to take the system to the next level. These steps can be elaborated further, and the detail given will be a step that will be processed with the contribution of the senior management. ***Every improvement made must be accurately conveyed to the employee. Employees believe that an occupational safety measure made in the field protects the health of the employee - should understand thoroughly that it is done to ensure protection from work accident and occupational diseases. The smallest improvements should be conveyed by looking the staff in the eyes and shown in practice. (Remember the importance of eye contact and practices in training) Occupational safety culture is a process and a journey that will get positive feedback for those who can manage it in the best way. It is obvious that occupational safety gives good results for everyone who is used to this culture not only in the workplace but also in their normal life.