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Working with Biological Agents

Working with Biological Agents
What are the OHS Practices to be done?

biyolojik ajanlarla çalışma iş güvenliği

What is Manual Load Handling?

Manual load handling one or more  
from transactions made by more employees   any one

elle yük taşıma işlerinde iş güvenliği

Occupational Safety in Laboratories

Laboratories are dangerous as workplaces
places are counted and cause work accidents.
contains many possible risk factors.

laboratuvarlarda iş güvenliği tedbirleri

What is PPE?

Things to consider when choosing PPE.

PPE Types...

KKD nedir, Kişisel koruyucu donanım rehberi

Protective Gloves

Protect all or part of the hand against hazards
It is personal protective equipment designed for protection.

koruyucu eldivenler

Against Falling from Height,
Foot - Leg, Face, Eye, Head,
Protective Equipment

Yüksekten Düşmeye Karşı,  Ayak - Bacak, Yüz, Göz, Baş,  Koruyucu Donanımlar
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