****Occupational safety measures in plastic injection machines****
****Safety preventions for our children at home****
Battery charging areas are unfortunately the last thing to consider, battery forklifts, tow trucks, reach trucks, etc. Transfer vehicles are taken to the facilities...! Where will it be next??? The important part of the real work begins with the idea.
It will eliminate the risks in terms of occupational safety, which is the first thing to think about in determining the battery charging area,
is to create an area in accordance with the legislation and for this purpose, resources are looked at, google is turned upside down, but nothing can be found in direct occupational safety laws and regulations.
These issues are detailed in the American OSHA standards, you can reach the standard link under the article.
In the canceled occupational safety regulation, some issues were mentioned, albeit roughly.
The batteries used in electric forklifts and electric lifts are "Traction" batteries.
Traction batteries are a type of battery used in moving vehicles. Depending on the type of vehicle and the purpose of use, battery types vary.
In this article, we will talk about how the ideal battery charging area should be by specifying the legal regulations in the current situation.
1- Determining the charging area location - Layout selection
The battery charging area should not be directly within the production area,
An area away from human density should be preferred.
An area should not be created adjacent to or within chemical storage areas.
It should be a place where vehicle traffic is not heavy. (External area selection, service passage-waiting areas, logistics areas, truck maneuvering passages, etc.)
Why it is necessary ? : Considering the possibility of the battery to explode, an area away from the priority human density and machinery-equipment density should be preferred in order to minimize the damage.
2- Structural features of the charging area
The selected area should be in such a way that it will not be affected by weather oppositions.
A frost-free area should be determined, and the ambient temperature should not be brought above the frost level with an additional heater.
It should be kept away from the effect of temperature changes.
Battery charging areas must be isolated, whether they will be installed outdoors or indoors.
The charging area should be created by choosing non-combustible materials.
In the use of panels, care should be taken that the material between the sandwich panel is non-combustible rock wool.
Incandescent lamps and waterproof type fixtures should be used in these places as lighting fixtures, and fans with collectors that can cause sparks should not be used.
Switch, socket etc. Electric devices that may cause ignition during operation, such as sparks, should be placed outside the battery rooms or
The room floor must be flat.
Floor acid resistant epoxy etc. must be insulated with a material.
Acid resistant epoxy etc. in concrete wall structures. It must be painted-coated with a material.
Batteries should not touch the ground directly.
Rectifiers should not be placed on the same stand with batteries.
Rectifier stands should be covered with insulating material.
Window, door etc. If the necessary air for ventilation cannot be provided with the air conditioner, non-sparking fans, ventilation pipes or ducts, etc., according to the size of the accumulator facilities. Artificial ventilation schemes such as
Why is it necessary?: Open areas where there is exposure to weather, such as high temperature differences and strong winds, increase the explosion risks of the batteries and adversely affect the battery life. Batteries especially release Hydrogen Gas during charging. Industrial batteries with lead acid release Hydrogen gas in case of charging. For this reason, it is vital that the ventilation of the battery charging rooms and the equipment used are fully insulating and non-sparking (exproof). The explosion limit of hydrogen in the air is between 4% and 72%. For this reason, thanks to the ventilation system in the battery charging rooms, a continuous change in the ambient air with the appropriate amount of fresh air should be provided. To minimize the risk of explosion, the hydrogen content in the air should be kept below 1%.
3-Other measures
Occupational safety warning signs should be at the entrance and inside the area,
There should be an eyewash station in the area.
There should be suitable fire extinguishing equipment inside and outside the area.
If possible, an automatic water filling system should be installed for battery pure water filling, so that the battery water will be automatically filled without opening the covers one by one.

Accumulators and ventilation of their places
Article 30- When accumulators need to be used, they must be maintenance-free or dry type batteries. The capacities of the batteries should be such that they can be sufficient for the consumers they feed for as long as the business requires.
In places where dry type batteries are used, there is no need to take any additional measures for ventilation and there is no need to have a separate battery room. When the life of existing lead acid accumulators is completed, maintenance-free or dry type accumulators should be installed instead.
Characteristics of lead-acid accumulator rooms
Article 31- Lead-acid accumulator rooms should be dry, cool, smooth and kept away from the effects of temperature changes as much as possible. Accumulators must be protected against very high or low ambient temperatures.
Lead-acid accumulator rooms should be as far away from the danger of frost as possible, and there should be no need for heating. Lead-acid battery rooms should never be heated with open fire or fried objects.
Different heating of lead - acid accumulator units from each other should also be prevented. The windows of the accumulator rooms, which are easily accessible from the outside, for example open to the roads where people come and go, should be protected with a dense wire mesh or wire glass.
Doors and windows in lead-acid battery rooms should open outwards. Doors, window frames, walls, ceilings, floors and flats where accumulators are placed must be resistant to electrolyte effect. When necessary, protective paints against this effect should be used.
For electrical installations in lead-acid battery rooms, conductors, cables and electrical operating equipment for damp and similar places should be used. Incandescent lamps and waterproof type fixtures should be used in these places, and fans with collectors that can cause sparks should not be used.
Switch, socket etc. Electric devices that may cause ignition during operation, such as sparks, should be placed outside the accumulator rooms.
Harmful gases such as ammonia should not be kept in lead - acid accumulator rooms.
There should be an adjoining compartment where the necessary materials for the lead-acid accumulator battery will be placed, and there should be a sink.
The places where the accumulators are located should preferably be made in such a way that natural ventilation is sufficient.
Window, door etc. If the necessary air for ventilation cannot be provided with the air conditioner, non-sparking fans, ventilation pipes or ducts, etc., according to the size of the accumulator facilities. Artificial ventilation schemes such as These pipes and ducts should be resistant to the effect of electrolyte and should not be open to smoke chimneys or places with fire (stove, etc.).
Placing accumulator batteries
Article 32- Batteries should be placed in such a way that they can be easily reached and inspected. Ventilation should also be taken into account when installing.
If the batteries are placed on one or more floors of shelves, appropriate gaps should be left between them so that the necessary work can be done.
Each battery unit must be insulated against ground and ground. The insulating materials in which lead-acid batteries are fixed must be resistant to electrolytes.
Lead-acid batteries can be placed as follows:
- On floors made of stone, brick or concrete or on insulators resistant to electrolytes placed on flat places,
- On the shelves. In this case, the shelves must be resistant to electrolyte effects. The places under the shelves should also be able to be cleaned. In accumulator facilities, the passage widths must be as described in Article 35-b/1. The ceiling height of these passages should not be less than 2 m.
Accumulator connecting conductors
Article 33- Connections between separate sets in lead-acid battery rooms or between the panel and the room must be made with insulated conductors or cables resistant to electrolyte effects.
d.a. of facilities with accumulator batteries. The voltage must be disconnected at both poles.
Protection of officials
Article 34- The officers should be ensured to be careful about the danger of the existing lead-acid battery operation and the following measures should be taken to protect these officers from dangers:
1) Fire should not be lit, including matches and lighters,
2) No sparking tools should be used,
3) Cell phones should be turned off,
4) In case of contact with acid and/or acidic water, the contacted parts should be washed with clean water immediately,
5) If there is accumulated gas inside, the place should be left immediately,
6) General and specific occupational safety recommendations should be followed.
Article 285 – Fixed accumulator facilities shall be kept in well-ventilated and specially constructed rooms or cells whose base is made of acid-resistant material.
Article 286 – Boxes of accumulator batteries; shall be made of glass, hard rubber or similar impermeable materials and shall be, It will be seated on sturdy non-slip feet.Article 287 – Accumulator batteries shall be closed or protected in accordance with the work they are used in and the necessary automatic equipment shall be provided against outgassing.Article 288 – Artificial light to be provided to the accumulator rooms will only be made by means of incandescent light bulbs.It is forbidden to enter such places with open flame vehicles and to smoke in these places.Article 289 – Accumulator batteries will be installed in such a way that all poles are cut when necessary.Article 290 – While changing the acid of the accumulator batteries, the workers will use goggles, apron, rubber gloves and similar personal protective equipment.
We would like to help you by sharing all your questions and opinions on the subject, and to give you feedback in the light of our experience in line with the legal regulations....